2004 – No Man is Exempt from Biblical Scrutiny

Whereas it is incumbent upon men of God who have desired the holy office of pastor/elder/bishop to live lives which are blameless and above reproach and to be examples to the flock of God; (1 Tim 3:1 -7) and

Whereas no man who receives the mantle of that office by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery (1 Tim 4:14) is above the law, or beyond the reach of discipline; and

Whereas men who, by their shameful behavior, bring a reproach upon the name of Christ, and upon His glorious Church and thereby become disqualified to hold their office; and

Whereas in a religious climate that has beheld many leaders, pastors, clergy and priests fall to various and sundry vices only to have those same vices covered up and hidden until forced to reveal the same by litigious exposure; and

Whereas it is refreshing to witness a bold and biblical organization such as the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship through its magazine Frontline, at the earliest awareness of sin in their own camp, to print the full confession and repentance of one of their own leadership; (Nov/Dec 2003 issue)

Be it resolved that we, the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America meeting in Bloomington, MN, June 22-24, 2004, do hereby uncompromisingly commend those who exalt the holiness of God and high qualifications of the pastoral office and,


Be it further resolved that we all examine ourselves and personally purpose to live our own lives circumspectly, holily and in an exemplary manner with “them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Tim 2:22)